College Application Education Project, Inc.
Who We Are
College Application Education Project, Inc. offers many resources to help high school students succeed. We care about students holistically, and through our mentoring programs, students build confidence, enforce positive behavior and engage in healthy relationships. Through consultation with parents and teachers, gaps or trouble areas are identified. Students may receive tutoring in these specific subjects. Participants also receive training in how to apply to college through workshops with admissions personnel. Finally, CAEP offers students opportunities for enrichment as they plan activities for peers and participate in service projects.
Here Is Our Summer Project With Mass. School Of Law Called Behind The Game – The Life, Career, and Future Of The NFL Football Player
It was truly a pleasure working with the staff and students of the Mass School Of Law, and The NFL in putting together this production. We traveled to NFL headquarters in New York, New York, and took a tour of their state of the art new replays center. We also had a chance to visit Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, took advantage of the tour, and hung out in Robert Krafts’ Owners Box. Click on Watch it Now! to see the finished production. Click here to see our pictures on C.A.E.P’s Facebook Page, and like us while you’re at it.
Watch Our New Video On LynnCamTv For Their Capture Lynn Campaign!
Produced by CAEP:
MSLAW.Edu: College Admissions, Athletics, & Financial Aid
Documentary – Who Am I (Part 1) _ August 1, – Google Drive
CAEP encourages youth in a positive manner. We assist students daily with homework and teach smart study habits. Mentors provide positive role models.
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Open Monday – Friday, 3 PM – 6 PM